Turtles Kingston’s Strategy

Our 5 ‘modules’
Turtles Kingston aims to protect Ontario turtles through 5 different avenues or modules of conservation.
Work to protect turtles through the installation of exclusion / turtle fencing, alternative nesting sites, and eco passages along roadways where turtle mortality is high.
Mitigation is key for the protection of existing turtle populations.
Education and Awareness
Engage and motivate the community to take action through awareness and sensitization to the peril of turtles on the road. Specifically, by providing key information that community members can use to take action.
Community involvement is critical to the success of turtle protection efforts.
Collaboration and Partnership
Turtles Kingston aims to work with others, such as the Public Works Department of the City of Kingston, to make organizational changes to processes and procedures that will protect turtles.
Nothing significant can be accomplished alone.
By speaking on behalf of turtles, to get community members to consider the welfare of turtles and wetland habitats in all aspects of their lives.
Advocacy is important to minimize human impacts on turtle populations.
Immediate Action
While working towards the long term survival of turtles, we are also focused on more immediate actions that can help to increase turtle populations and save turtles from harm. This includes our turtle trauma response program and nest protection program.
There is always something that can be done now, while working for change.
Live outside the Kingston area? Make positive changes in your own region by adopting any one of our modules.