Turtles Kingston Blog
Pet Turtles and Rehoming
Here at Turtles Kingston, we advocate for turtles and focus on conservation, education, and protecting our native species. We are often asked questions about other turtle related topics, including turtles as pets and how to surrender a pet turtle. In this blog, we will explore why some turtles are kept as pets and what happens when that turtle needs to be rehomed. Please note it is illegal to keep a native turtle as a pet. Native turtles are always best left in their natural environment and territory.
Turtles and Construction
Construction projects have long been known to threaten turtles, their eggs, and their hatchlings, but with a few mindful steps, it is simple to prevent turtle mortality during construction work. Join us in learning about what can be done to keep turtles safe during outdoor projects, and celebrating some innovative steps companies have taken to protect native turtles and their breeding grounds.